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Candidates for
Rio Arriba County Commissioner Distict III

Antonio Ike DeVargas Napo Garcia Moises Morales
Antonio I. DeVargas: more commonly known as Ike. I earned my GED while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. I enlisted at the age of 17 and served three years. My training there was as a radio-telegraph operator (radio man). I graduated from airborne training at U.S. Army Parachute School in Fort Benning, GA. I also graduated as a Navy Qualified Diver from the U.S. Navy Diving School in San Diego, CA. I became an operational team member of the 1st First Force Reconnaissance Company of the 1st Marine Division based at Camp Pendleton. I was deployed and served one tour in the Republic of South Vietnam on numerous combat operations. My work experience includes working for LANL in Los Alamos; the N.M. Boys’ School in Springer, NM; uranium mining in Grants; forestry-related work (thinning, tree-planting, logging, milling, fire fighting, and other related work. I was a member of the founding board of directors of La Clinca del Norte in El Rito. I served as director of La Clinica del Pueblo in Tierra Amarilla (1980-1982). I was also employed as the first Risk Manager for Rio Arriba county for three years, and another three years as a planner for Rio Arriba County Planning and Zoning Department.

Napoleon R. Garcia: I am running for Rio Arriba County Commissioner District III and ask for your vote in the June 4th primary election. I believe I can bring a fresh perspective to support small businesses, protect our natural resources, and strengthen county infrastructure. I live in Canjilon, NM, and recently retired as Public Works Director for Rio Arriba County for ten years and NM DOT for 20 years. I am an avid supporter of our tricultural heritage and encourage all to embrace and respect our unique history and diverse populations to ensure healthy communities for all our families and future generations. Rio Arriba was built on the hard work of farmers, ranchers, and small businesses. Supporting them ensures a healthy economy so our youth can find local employment and raise their families here. I believe in safeguarding our beautiful natural environment, including maintenance of safe, clean water systems, and upkeep of acequias, rivers and dams. I will work to strengthen vital infrastructure through road improvement, law enforcement/emergency management and communications. I also support investment in our youth by building safe recreational venues such as playgrounds, walking areas and support of 4-H programs. Thank you for your vote!

Moises A. Morales, Jr. (incumbent): I take the role and responsibility of county commissioner very seriously. I work closely with the municipality of Chama, organizations, groups, and individuals throughout my district for the betterment of all our citizens and to protect our way of life. I will continue to work hard as an advocate for sustainable economic development, our unique culture, our youth groups, our senior citizens, and our agricultural priorities. In my years as your public servant I assisted with these accomplishments: restoration of the old county courthouse; new infrastructure for county offices, senior citizen centers, fire departments, community centers, playgrounds, and improved county roads. I have also provided assistance to our libraries, acequias, and domestic water associations, and facilities for the Council of Land Grants. I have worked hard to protect ranchers, farmers, water rights and grazing rights. I have held community meetings and have an open-door policy to meet with individuals and understand your concerns and needs, and to keep abreast of what is going on in my district. I was voted best County Commissioner by the Rio Grande Sun in 2001, and was recognized by the Hispanic Leadership Award-De Colores Incorporated, Taos de Colores 2001 for my contribution to Hispanic communities. I humbly ask for your vote.

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